My Childhood Perception of Mortality

      THE STORY The memory of the first time I faced mortality has resurfaced as I explore the wold of AI generated images. I have this distinct memory when I was 7 or 8 years old playing in my back yard.  We had a bramble of berries behind our shed that barley had enough […]

How Does AI Perceive Itself?

  I think about what the AI is thinking as it paints.  It is very common for artist to put them selves in their work.  I wonder how the AI decided to fit itself in this painting.  How much is this is really about my inputs, my bias editing, my retouching, etc versus the magic […]

Drawn by Artificial Intelligence

  I got the invite to use Dall E 2, it is one of the latest text-to image generators that uses Artificial Intelligence.  While sitting in front of my painting, I wondered if I could generate a similar image of the painting by prompting the AI correctly.  I thought this would be a novel idea, […]

Dear Diary…

  I’m the type of guy that uses my please and thank you’s when I use Siri. Why?!  I fear the impending future doom of our AI overlords, and am banking on them remembering who was kind. I feel like the type of content we create, distribute and nurture will have long term consequences. I […]

Yes! I get to drive the cars.

I had the engine revved to 5,000 rpm. Our talent was sitting shotgun and my DP was crammed in the tiny back seat. When I let go of the brake we go from 0-60 in under 4 seconds.  The G-force from the acceleration was incredible and as soon as I let off the throttle we […]

Fear and Wine Tasting in Mexico

In nine hours we went from an underground jazz club to glamping in a vineyard just northeast of Ensenada, Mexico.  Nine hours after that, I wasn’t 100% sure I would be able to return back to the US with my wife. Friday night we danced the night away on my friend’s 30th birthday in a […]

The Luxury of Touch

Touch is one of the greatest luxuries we can give another living being”the quickest, most effective way to show warmth, care and love. My wife speaks Farsi, and one of the words I’ve learned from her is naz. It means the act of giving someone physical attention”a tickle on the arm, a caress of the […]

The Luxury of Fire

In my opinion, September is one of the best months of the year. The heat of summer begins to fade and cool fall weather starts to creep in. It’s the perfect time to be outside, to light a fire in the fire pit as the moon rises overhead. The light from the glowing embers is […]

The Luxury of Light

As a photographer and director, light is everything to me. Early in my career, my job was shooting products”high-end home electronics, rare motorcycles, luxurious accessories, etc. One of my favorite parts of it was manipulating light and shadows so that my items would jump off the page. Nowadays, I also get to focus on photographing […]

The Luxury of Water

Here in L.A., if people aren’t talking about movies, we’re talking about the drought. We talk so much about the lack of water that there are actually days that I forget that we live right next to the ocean. I’m a beach kid by nature. I grew up right next to the water, and I […]